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Sunday, April 2, 2017


Following up my Philosophical Life series I present to you a Self-Care Challenge that I created to help us start the cleansing process, relax and enjoy the small peaceful moments in our life. Of course, there are a lot of different challenges out there similar to this one but I tried to concentrate on all aspects of our being. Every 5 days is a so-to-say cycle of different activities targeted towards our thoughts, mind, body, habit and the Cleanse. 

Day 1: Write down 3 things you’re grateful for

Day 2: Take a relaxing bath/shower

Day 3: Sit down at the table for breakfast every morning

Day 4: Give yourself a daily facial

Day 5: Write a letter to your future self 

Day 6: Write down one thing each day you love about yourself

Day 7: Clean out your social media

Day 8: Drink green tea

Day 9: Solo Dance Parties

Day 10: Write down negative thoughts and cross them out

Day 11: Take a walk rain or shine

Day 12: Do your laundry, fold it, and put it away

Day 13: Take 10 deep breaths in and out in the morning and before bed

Day 14: Use lotion on your hands

Day 15: Morning affirmations

Day 16: Write down a quote or something powerful you heard

Day 17: Shred and dispose of papers you no longer need

Day 18: Eat meals without your phone or TV  + Take a walk without your phone

Day 19: Do an exercise activity that you enjoy, or find a new one

Day 20: Cuddle with a pet

Day 21: Make a list of everything you’ve accomplished so far

Day 22: Clean a room in your house (Organize an area, sweep/vacuum the floor, put things away)

Day 23: Light incense or a candle when you get home

Day 24: Eat something healthy

Day 25: Catch up on a show you enjoy, or watch a movie or video you’ve been meaning to watch

Day 26: Plan something to look forward to

Day 27: Talk to someone about your feelings or write about in a journal 

Day 28: Visit a new coffee shop/store/area of your town

Day 29: Wear anything that makes you feel good about yourself.

Day 30: Reflect on what happened and what helped you the most

Be yourself, love yourself, put yourself first 

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